Friday, January 25, 2013

Quarterly Meeting Location

The January 30, 2013 quarterly membership meeting will be held at 536 S. Clark in the 5th Floor Computer Room from 12:30-1:30 p.m.  Please see the previous post for agenda and call-in information.


  1. At the quarterly meeting on January 30, 2013 at 12:36pm on the 5th FL conference room, Andre Jones' trip for AFGE Legislative Conference was not voted upon. The AFGE Legislative Conference is scheduled from Feb 10 to Feb 13, 2013.

    Andre stated he wants to leave for this trip Feb 8 and return Feb 14, 2013 but provided no written agenda to establish his presence would be required prior to Feb 9, 2013. Andre also did not present any written estimate for trip cost for airfare, hotel, conference cost, and per diem. He only verbally stated the approximate cost was $1700 not including per diem per day.

    According to the GSA website, per diem for the Washington DC area would be $71 per day and $53.25 per travel day. Total per diem cost for Andre would be $461.50 for this trip. The union would be required to pay approximately $2161.50 if Andre asked for reimbursement from the union.

    Andre also stated Vice President Ortiz would be attending this conference with him but provided no estimated cost of the trip for VP Ortiz. Ortiz's trip may also be approximately $2161.50.

    Andre stated he would call a special meeting for a vote before his Feb 8, 2013 departure. According to Section 3 of the AFGE 2718 local bylaws, FIVE days advance written notice is required before a special meeting can be held.

    Please come out to vote at the next union meeting. The total cost for the executive board's trip would be over $4,300. If the vote does not pass, the union would not need to pay for this trip. Your attendance at the next meeting MATTERS! Do not be afraid to vote No.

    The executive board is not allowed to retaliate against you or treat you unfairly if you vote against them. If you feel you have been treated unfairly by any elected union official, you can file FLRA Form 22. See 5 U.S.C. 7116(b) which states:

    (b) For the purpose of this chapter, it shall be an unfair labor practice for a labor organization—

    (1) to interfere with, restrain, or coerce any employee in the exercise by the employee of any right under this chapter;

    (2) to cause or attempt to cause an agency to discriminate against any employee in the exercise by the employee of any right under this chapter;

    (3) to coerce, discipline, fine, or attempt to coerce a member of the labor organization as punishment, reprisal, or for the purpose of hindering or impeding the member’s work performance or productivity as an employee or the discharge of the member’s duties as an employee;

    (4) to discriminate against an employee with regard to the terms or conditions of membership in the labor organization on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, preferential or nonpreferential civil service status, political affiliation, marital status, or handicapping condition;

    (5) to refuse to consult or negotiate in good faith with an agency as required by this chapter;

    (6) to fail or refuse to cooperate in impasse procedures and impasse decisions as required by this chapter;

    1. Warning to all BUEs…this person and or persons are the people who don’t care about you (BUEs) having Telework, Flex Time etc. but they don’t mind hurting other BUEs.

      I am not sure who you are but please get your facts straight and if you continue to send these erroneous messages and information out, the union promise you our lawyers will seek the appropriate measures, in handling your slandering .

      By the way, this Executive Board has been transparent like never before and continue to represent our BUEs accordingly and to the likes of AFGE Constitution, Local 2718 Constitution and our local By-Laws. Therefore, if you or and body else have a problem and need to speak with either myself and or any member of the EB, please make an appointment or just give us a call.

      A warning to you and those like you, it serve nothing to continue fighting something that obviously, you are not knowledgeable of or ignorant to, the union will not allow this blog to be your message board of prejudice and despair. The last time I looked our Executives’ Vice President,Treasurer and Secretary are all posted on this blog and if you wanted to run for office, you should have done so.

      I strongly suggest you go buy a toy and or grow up because your intentions are with malice perhaps that’s the way you were brought up. I personally suggest you get a life and don’t use this forum for self interest because we (union) will call you out each and every time you do so.

      Finally, just "SHUT UP" and enjoy our many gains like the Local Supplemental Agreement, why don’t you comment on that? Oh, I know, it’s positive and you are not about that are you? By the way, thanking one of us (EB members) for this wonderful BLOG and almost condemning the others members and without merits, shows your true color.

      We (union) know who you are but having questions as to what are.

      Andre’ P.A. Jones Sr.
      Union/Local 2718
